Each year the Students' Union runs a series of Exhibitions! These are exhibitions of student work, curated by students, on campus. The shows are not part of any academic programme, but they support students to get hands-on experience curating and presenting their work, allow you to meet and work with students from across the college, and play a key role in making this place feel like the vibrant, creative art school that it is.
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The Students' Union supports up to 8 shows per year. The shows bring little-used college spaces to life and offer extracurricular curatorial and/or exhibition opportunities to students across the college. Shows are incredibly well received by staff, students and visitors alike. In 2023, we had over a thousand visitors to the first four shows.
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Read the application pack for 2024/25 here for application guidelines. Apply now for term 3! The deadline is 12pm on Friday the 30th March.
Contact su-exhibitions@rca.ac.uk for more info
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