We at the SU have been working hard this year to make it possible for students to use the gallery spaces we have on campus.
We at the SU have been working hard this year to make it possible for students to use the gallery spaces we have on campus. Before this year, the process was unclear and inconsistent, making it hard for students to succeed in making a show happen, even if they somehow knew where to look or who to contact. Starting next year, there will be a clear open call process by which all students can submit proposals for exhibitions at the start of terms 1 & 2. This year, we will have 4 trial shows to figure out the system and iron out all the kinks. The first of these shows is Unfolding Traces, which will take place in the Hangar Gallery from Weds 29 March to Friday 31st March 9am - 9pm and Sat 1st April from 10am - 8pm.
We look forward to seeing you there. If you are interested in joining, please sign up via the eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unfolding-traces-pigeon-park-tickets-547810695537
“As we emerge from the post-pandemic vacuum that saw human experience morph in new metaphysical and unphysical ways, we begin to reimagine our utopias. Can we still be whole when we are fluid and unfixed? By working collaboratively and through improvisation, ‘Unfolding Traces’ transforms The Hangar into an immersive space that has the marks and aesthetic values of individual ecosystems yet presents a new being, frozen mid-flux. This complex entity tells stories of infinite transformation, inviting the audience to explore what our cyborg and hybrid identities mean to our sense of community, place, and future worlding. The exhibition weaves together divergent perspectives across the Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, CAP, Photography and Print departments bound by themes of displacement, cultural bodies and transient identity. Multifaceted approaches suggest fragmental thinking, fluid borders and the blurring of spatial boundaries. Theme and method become one as we work to expand notions of distinct disciplines by rejecting the boundaries and definitions implied by tradition, and forge new ways of being and creating through interpersonal and interdisciplinary play.”