
Student Discounts

In this area

Most places have a student membership and/or discount so it’s always worth asking if there's a discount.

Finding discounts

Save The Student

Provides free, unbiased advice on how to make your money go further, and lists temporary UK student deals.

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Student Money Saver

Also features a range of student deals and discounts, as well as advice on how to manage your money.

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Offers student discounts with brands such as Apple, ASOS and Urban Outfitters.

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Student Beans

A site for student discounts in the UK.

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Discount cards and codes

Student Oyster

If you're 18 or over, a student and living in a London borough, you can get discounted travel with an Oyster photocard.

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Save an average of £199 a year with the 16-25 Railcard or 26-30 Railcard by getting 1/3 of travel.

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ISIC (worldwide)

£12 a year, this offers discounts to students in 130 different countries. 

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From £14.99 a year, this offers exclusive student discounts worth up to £500 a year to students in the UK.

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