Our School Forums and meetings are a great way to bring the entire student body together for important announcements, discussions, and even some fun activities. We strive to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, where students feel free to express themselves and engage in lively conversation.
During our forums and meetings, we cover a wide range of topics, from school policies and upcoming events to current events and social issues. We also invite RCA staff members to share their knowledge and expertise with our students, providing valuable insight and inspiration.
Students who are not representatives usually are invited to participate only in the Programme Forum. However, if you're a non-rep student, you can attend a School Forum as an observer by simply sending an email to student.union@rca.ac.uk and requesting approval from the chairperson to attend as guests.
Would you like to discover the valuable feedback you can contribute during an assembly? Take a moment to explore our Collection of Feedback.
Organised by
Programme Forum
- Head of Programme (HoP),
- Tutors,
- and all students in your course.
Programme Admin
Once a Term
A platform for students, tutors, and academic staff to discuss and address programme-related matters. Updates from various college departments may be shared to keep students informed.
School Forum
- SU Sabbatical Officer,
- School Dean,
- HoPs,
- School General Manager,
- Programme Reps,
- EDI Reps
The Admin Officer of the RCA Student Union
Once a Term
To address academic matters at a school level. Provides an opportunity to present unresolved programme-related issues to higher staff.
Campus Assembly
- SU Sabbatical Officer,
- Buildings and Estates,
- IT,
- Library,
- Technical Services,
- Programme Reps,
- EDI Reps
The Admin Officer of the RCA Student Union
Once a Term
Focuses on feedback related to campus facilities, such as buildings, workshops, information technology, and library services.
Wide Assembly
- SU Sabbatical Officer,
- All Programme Reps,
- All EDI Reps
The Admin Officer of the RCA Student Union
Once a term
Issues escalated from the School Assembly are discussed and voted upon, with each representative holding one vote.
Student forums typically last for one hour.
Forums involving a larger number of students are typically scheduled between 1 pm and 2 pm to accommodate students' availability.
All relevant stakeholders, including student representatives, Sabbatical Officers, and other college staff, are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend, send a timely (one week prior or before) apology to student.union@rca.ac.uk, and notify them that you will not come.Please note that missing two assemblies without prior notice may result in the loss of your representative role. By attending assemblies, you contribute to the democratic processes of the RCA SU and ensure that student voices are considered and represented.
Chairperson and Minutes:
A Sabbatical Officer of the Student Union is assigned as the chairperson for important forums, and they are responsible for opening the meeting, reading the agenda items, and facilitating discussions. Additionally, a designated person from the Student Union takes minutes during the meeting to document key points and actions.
The chairperson reads out each item on the agenda, providing an opportunity for the student representative who presented it to explain its purpose or context.
Following the presentation, a member of the college or relevant department is given the opportunity to respond or provide insights on the matter. In case of voting, follow Bye Laws.
Action Items
Any actions or decisions taken during the meeting are documented in the minutes by the designated minute-taker.
Publication of Minutes
After the meeting, the minutes are compiled and published on the Student Union's website. This ensures transparency and allows all students to access the outcomes, decisions, and discussions that took place during the assembly.
Organised by
Head of Programme Meeting
- Head of Programme (HoP),
- Senior Tutor(s),
-Programme Reps
Programme Admin/HoP
Once month or at discretion of the Attendees
Monthly meeting to discuss and resolve programme-specific issues. Unresolved matters can be escalated to the School Assembly.
ILTS Meeting
- SU Sabbatical Officer,
- IT,
- Library,
- Technical Services.
Optional: Student Reps.
The Admin Officer of the RCA Student Union
Fortnightly (every two weeks)
Feedback collected from students in the latest 2 weeks is shared, and the ILTS team provides updates in response.
EDI Committee’s Student-Facing Working Group
- SU Sabbatical Officer,
- EDI reps
- SU Community Officer,
- College staff (Members of the EDI committee, including the Head of Equity and Inclusion, Head of Student Experience, others)
One Sabbatical Officer
Once a Term
To feed into the activities of the EDI committee, to look at EDI issues from a particularly student focused perspective.
Feedback Collection Read the minutes of the Assemblies